Wetland Restoration Field Guide: Mustelus californicus
Common NameGrey Smoothhound
Id Number3293
Species Description
Slender body, large oval eyes, low blunt teeth and a large second dorsal fin. Noticeable spiracle behind each eye. The dorsal fin originates slightly behind the free rear tip of the pectoral fins. The lower lobe of the caudal fin is usually indistinct. Color is generally gray or brown dorsally and lighter in color ventrally. There are no distinguishing stripes or spots. Albino specimens have been recorded.
Species Habitat
In waters over the continental shelves and is very common in bays and rocky shores at depths of 6-150 feet (2-46 m). They are often found among schools of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata).
Species Range
Inshore and offshore in the eastern Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California to northern California